Právní služby poskytuji zpravidla za smluvní odměnu, jež je předmětem advokátní smlouvy uzavírané mezi advokátem a klientem. Výše smluvní odměny činí standardně částku 4.000 Kč + DPH za každou započatou hodinu poskytnutých právních služeb, není-li sjednáno jinak. V případě, že předpokládáný rozsah poskytovaných právních služeb je možné stanovit předem, bude odměna zpravidla stanovena fixní částkou.
If the contractual remuneration is not agreed with the client, I charge a non-contractual remuneration according to the provisions of § 6 et seq. Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll., on lawyers 'fees and lawyers' compensation for the provision of legal services (lawyer's tariff), as amended. You can only pay for legal services by bank transfer. I do not accept cash payments.
The Czech Bar Association was entrusted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic with out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes for disputes between a lawyer and a consumer under contracts for the provision of legal services (based on Act No. 634/1992 Coll., On consumer protection, as amended). The website of this authorized entity is In the event of a dispute between the consumer and a lawyer, which cannot be settled directly between the parties, the consumer may turn to the Czech Bar Association.