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Legal advice
in Prague and Brno

Mgr. Ing. Ján Kvietok, lawyer focusing on commercial law
specializing in IT law
BRNO-1-scaled (1)

Legal advice
in Prague and Brno

Mgr. Ing. Ján Kvietok, lawyer focusing on commercial law
specializing in IT law

Business approach to solving legal issues

Taking into account tax and economic aspects

Use of technology
with an emphasis on safety

Legal specialization

Corporate and
Business Law

Business Relations and Contract Law, Establishment and corporate governance of Business Corporations, Compliance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Investment Contracts, Holding Structures

IT law

Software Delivery Agreements, Service Agreements, SAAS, IAAS, License Agreements, and EULAs, Technology Transfer, Personal Data, Cyber Security, IT Labor Relations

Veřejné zakázky
a soutěžní právo

Legal support of tenderers, Processing of objections against tender documents or acts of the contracting authority, Administrative proceedings at the Office, Unfair competition, Prohibited agreements

Why work with me?

I am a lawyer working in Prague and Brno. I provide legal services mainly to companies and entrepreneurs. My goal is to always find the most economically and commercially suitable solution for the client, taking into account all relevant aspects, especially tax and financial ones.

I have been working in advocacy since 2014. I have provided legal services to multinational corporations and larger Czech companies, and smaller family companies or their owners or managers during that time.

I believe in providing comprehensive legal advice, i.e., that legal services are not provided isolated. Still, it is important to consider the business, economic, and tax aspects so that the proposed legal solution makes sense to the client and benefits him.

The legal advice provided to the client must be clear, concise, and at the same time cover all the essentials so that the client knows what his options are and what the potential legal risks are. Therefore, do not expect from me long legal opinions and memoranda full of paragraphs and quotations of laws, but a clear and well-arranged output that will bebasis for management decisions.

Od roku 2017 se převážně pohybuji v prostředí IT společností, a proto při poskytování právních služeb kladu důraz na efektivitu, rychlost a bezpečnost. Standardem pro komunikace s klientem je end-to-end šifrování. S klienty řeším jak běžnou agendu týkající se podnikání   (příprava a vyjednávání smluv, zahraniční obchod, veřejné zakázky, ochrana osobních údajů), tak i strategická rozhodnutí(vytvoření holdingové struktury, ochrana majetku a investice, svěřenský fond, akcionářské dohody).

Jako certifikovaný vyjednavač pomáhám při složitých vyjednáváních a řešení konfliktů v rámci podnikání.

Jan Kvietok Lawyer
Mr. Ján Kvietok

Establishing cooperation

Before providing legal services, I will first get acquainted with your situation in general, usually by phone, email, or during a short personal meeting.

Based on the information provided, I will then be able to provide you with a general overview of the possibilities for further action, including the expected amount of costs and remuneration.

If you decide that you no longer wish to continue the cooperation at this stage of the cooperation, you will not be charged any legal fees.

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